1.Visual Studio Community 2019 を起動して 「C#のWindowsコンソールアプリケーション(.NET Framework)」のプロジェクトを作成します。
2.メニュー「ツール(T)」-「NuGet パッケージ マネージャー(N)」-「ソリューションのNuGetパッケージの管理(N)…」を選択します。
5.インストールが終わると何やら警告が出ます。ソリューションプラットフォームに「x86」または「x64」を選択するようにと書いてあります。「AnyCPU」に変更したければ、https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp/issues/1714 を参照するようにと指示があります。(※これについては、プラットフォーム構成を変更して、AnyCPUで使用できるようにする。で解説しています。)
using CefSharp.OffScreen; ←が今までと違います。(ヘッドレスブラウザモードの指定)
await browser.ScreenshotAsync(true).ContinueWith(DisplayBitmap); ←でスクリーンショットを撮ります。
タイミングによっては上手く撮影できないので、await Task.Delay(1000); を事前行に挿入しています。
スクリーンショットした画像は .png 形式でデスクトップに保存されます。(タイミングによってレンダリング中の画面になったり、目的のページでなかったりするようです。非同期処理だからかも。。)
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using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using CefSharp; using CefSharp.OffScreen; namespace ConsoleApp16 { class Program { private const string TestUrl = "https://www.google.com/"; static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("This example application will load {0}, take a screenshot, and save it to your desktop.", TestUrl); Console.WriteLine("You may see a lot of Chromium debugging output, please wait..."); Console.WriteLine(); // Initialize cef with the provided settings CefSettings settings = new CefSettings(); settings.Locale = "ja"; settings.AcceptLanguageList = "ja-JP"; Cef.Initialize(settings, performDependencyCheck: false, browserProcessHandler: null); MainAsync("cachePath1", 1.0); // We have to wait for something, otherwise the process will exit too soon. Console.ReadKey(); // Clean up Chromium objects. You need to call this in your application otherwise // you will get a crash when closing. Cef.Shutdown(); } private static async void MainAsync(string cachePath, double zoomLevel) { var browserSettings = new BrowserSettings(); //Reduce rendering speed to one frame per second so it's easier to take screen shots browserSettings.WindowlessFrameRate = 1; var requestContextSettings = new RequestContextSettings { CachePath = cachePath }; // RequestContext can be shared between browser instances and allows for custom settings // e.g. CachePath using (var requestContext = new RequestContext(requestContextSettings)) using (var browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser(TestUrl, browserSettings, requestContext)) { if (zoomLevel > 1) { browser.FrameLoadStart += (s, argsi) => { var b = (ChromiumWebBrowser)s; if (argsi.Frame.IsMain) { b.SetZoomLevel(zoomLevel); } }; } await LoadPageAsync(browser); //Check preferences on the CEF UI Thread await Cef.UIThreadTaskFactory.StartNew(delegate { var preferences = requestContext.GetAllPreferences(true); //Check do not track status var doNotTrack = (bool)preferences["enable_do_not_track"]; Debug.WriteLine("DoNotTrack: " + doNotTrack); }); var onUi = Cef.CurrentlyOnThread(CefThreadIds.TID_UI); //Give the browser a little time to finish drawing our SendKeyEvent input await Task.Delay(1000); // Wait for the screenshot to be taken, // if one exists ignore it, wait for a new one to make sure we have the most up to date await browser.ScreenshotAsync(true).ContinueWith(DisplayBitmap); await LoadPageAsync(browser, "http://github.com"); //Gets a wrapper around the underlying CefBrowser instance var cefBrowser = browser.GetBrowser(); // Gets a warpper around the CefBrowserHost instance // You can perform a lot of low level browser operations using this interface var cefHost = cefBrowser.GetHost(); //You can call Invalidate to redraw/refresh the image cefHost.Invalidate(PaintElementType.View); await Task.Delay(1000); // Wait for the screenshot to be taken. await browser.ScreenshotAsync(true).ContinueWith(DisplayBitmap); } } public static Task LoadPageAsync(IWebBrowser browser, string address = null) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously); EventHandler<LoadingStateChangedEventArgs> handler = null; handler = (sender, args) => { //Wait for while page to finish loading not just the first frame if (!args.IsLoading) { browser.LoadingStateChanged -= handler; //Important that the continuation runs async using TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously tcs.TrySetResult(true); } }; browser.LoadingStateChanged += handler; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(address)) { browser.Load(address); } return tcs.Task; } private static void DisplayBitmap(Task<Bitmap> task) { // Make a file to save it to (e.g. C:\Users\jan\Desktop\CefSharp screenshot.png) var screenshotPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "CefSharp screenshot" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".png"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Screenshot ready. Saving to {0}", screenshotPath); var bitmap = task.Result; // Save the Bitmap to the path. // The image type is auto-detected via the ".png" extension. bitmap.Save(screenshotPath); // We no longer need the Bitmap. // Dispose it to avoid keeping the memory alive. Especially important in 32-bit applications. bitmap.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("Screenshot saved. Launching your default image viewer..."); // Tell Windows to launch the saved image. Process.Start(screenshotPath); Console.WriteLine("Image viewer launched. Press any key to exit."); } } } |